The "Fascist" Challenge

9.5 mm - HMCHIEFRA-0008
sports field
at the stadium
Enrico Chierici films some of the stages, from the introduction of the teams to the game actions, of a soccer match. The location is the "Stadio del Littorio" ("Fascist Stadium"), built by the will of the Fascist regimein 1927 for the just fuounded team La Dominante ("The Prevailing", out of the regime's will as well), the first outcome of the Andrea Doria and Sampierdarenese teams merging. It broke already up in 1930 - and the teams will later merge again in 1946, forming the current soccer team Sampdoria), but the stadium still hosted the matches of Liguria, Sampierdarenese and Coriglianese teams, and was one of the pitches for 11 First Division seasons and several lower divisions', before becoming, in the postwar, Sampdoria's training field - before being demolished in 1958. Today, in its place, the public transport hangar stands. Technically, on the other hand, we can see, by the end of the excerpt a long tear on the left side of the film, which comes evidently cut widthwise.

The "Fascist" Challenge

9.5 mm - HMCHIEFRA-0008
sports field
at the stadium
Enrico Chierici films some of the stages, from the introduction of the teams to the game actions, of a soccer match. The location is the "Stadio del Littorio" ("Fascist Stadium"), built by the will of the Fascist regimein 1927 for the just fuounded team La Dominante ("The Prevailing", out of the regime's will as well), the first outcome of the Andrea Doria and Sampierdarenese teams merging. It broke already up in 1930 - and the teams will later merge again in 1946, forming the current soccer team Sampdoria), but the stadium still hosted the matches of Liguria, Sampierdarenese and Coriglianese teams, and was one of the pitches for 11 First Division seasons and several lower divisions', before becoming, in the postwar, Sampdoria's training field - before being demolished in 1958. Today, in its place, the public transport hangar stands. Technically, on the other hand, we can see, by the end of the excerpt a long tear on the left side of the film, which comes evidently cut widthwise.
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