The film, made by Giuseppe Bonvicini, captures a picnic at Tre Croci, in the Dolomites. The scene opens with the preparation of polenta, slowly cooked in a cauldron suspended over an improvised embers made from stones gathered on site. The images show a line of people, each with their own plate, waiting to receive their food. The women distribute the polenta, while some eat seated on camping tables, and others settle on tablecloths or blankets spread out on the ground.
The film, made by Giuseppe Bonvicini, captures a picnic at Tre Croci, in the Dolomites. The scene opens with the preparation of polenta, slowly cooked in a cauldron suspended over an improvised embers made from stones gathered on site. The images show a line of people, each with their own plate, waiting to receive their food. The women distribute the polenta, while some eat seated on camping tables, and others settle on tablecloths or blankets spread out on the ground.